A network for students interested in evidence-based health care

GATE Calculator for Quantitative Studies

Posted on 2nd January 2014 by

Learning Resources
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GATE (Graphic Approach To Evidence Based Medicine) is a simplified diagram that is used to explain any quantitative study; from an RCT to a cohort.

It’s estimated that merely 10% of published evidence is worth reading [1] so we all need skills to help us differentiate between what is and is not worth our while. One of these skills is being able to critically appraise studies.­­


The GATE framework aims to make critical appraisal a simpler process, and part of that is the appraisal of all of the numbers we find in the study; which most people would agree on being one of the more difficult parts – I would!

The GATE Calculator makes all of that a lot easier in a simple Excel sheet format.

Who it for is/who is it aimed at:

If you’re involved in healthcare and are looking for the best solution for you/your patient; you need to perform critical appraisal, yet you’re facing difficulties working the numbers, this tool will make your life easier.

How long might it take:

Depending of course on the size of your study and how many outcomes you want to appraise but if you’re tight for time then you’ve come to the right place; it won’t get quicker than this – without saving on quality.

What I like about it:

Personally, I’ve come to rely on this calculator because I’ve never enjoyed crunching the numbers myself. The Excel sheet will work out most of the values you’ll need and it’s all very self-explanatory.

All you have to do it choose the calculator suitable to your type of study; Intervention/ Diagnostic/ Prognosis/ Case-Control/ Systematic Reviews, and download it from the link below.

If you wish to complete a complete critical appraisal of your study, you will want to download the accompanying Microsoft Word document, and if you want the concepts of GATE and critical appraisal explained to you in a little more detail, you can try the presentations and papers available at the top of the linked page.




[1] Rapid Critical Appraisal with GATE  Dr Rod Jackson



Ammar Sabouni

Hi! I'm Ammar! Originally from Syria, I'm quite interested in EBM, and I dabble a little in research; a very vague statement I know, well final year at medical school and still trying to figure out what it is I really like about all this. Add me and msg me, lets chat facebook.com/amm.sab twitter @amosabo View more posts from Ammar

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